Hikes in the South Zin Valley 12K Loop Trail to Ein AkevHolmoniot in Yatir ForestFull Moon Hike at Nahal HavarimNahal P’raim Desert LoopA Spring Walk to ZiklagAmram’s Pillars Loop TrailLittle Loop at the Black Canyon, EilatNahal Dimona – Narcissus Flowers in the DesertTel Ashkelon – An Ancient City on the CoastThe Via Ferrata Masada ChallengeGinta Caves HikeTze’elim Stream to Tsfira PoolsLower Nahal Darja (in Memory of Lucy Dee)Park Timna: The Arches TrailPark Timna: The Canyons TrailNahal Mazar & Gev MazarSansana Forest Flower Filled TrailShikma Stream Hike to the SeaHurvat Zak: A Storybook SettingGevaot Gad: Hills and TunnelsMystery and Magic at Hurvat Beit LoyaHavarei Masada: Simple and BeautifulNahal Asus and Kipat EshetNahal BarakEilat’s Red CanyonTimna Park: Solomon’s Pillars LoopTimna Park: Adventurous Loop TrailHolmoniot (Autumn Crocus) in Lahav ForestNahal KanfanCrazy Cliffs and Desert Pools at Nahal TahmasonEilat Mountains: From The Hidden Valley to Shehoret CampgroundTel Lachish: Beauty at an Ancient CityNahal HaBesor: February FlowersZruiah Ascent to Mishmar Epic Desert TrekNahal Yaelim Desert TrekRamon Crater: Harut Hill and Saharonim PlateauThe Great Crater: Small Fin and Colored SandsThe Great Crater(HaMakhtesh HaGadol): Big Fin and Colored SandsUpper Nahal Rahaf – Canyon WalkDesert Hike at Nahal KidodMount Tzror and Nahal Tzror AdventureNahal Rom and Mount YizrachNahal Ashlim and Azgad: Desert Pools and LaddersEilat Mountains: Har ShlomoThrough Nahal Yizrach & Bokek to Tsuk TamrurEilat Mountains: Mount Neshef and the Red CanyonBe’eri Forest: Little Loop TrailShaharia Forest – 5K Loop TrailRed in February – Shokda ForestAdventure Hike Around MasadaMa’ale Akravim and Nahal Gov Desert TrekMount Zin and the Potato FieldThe Dead Sea 1/4 Mile Salt WalkwayNahal Tze’elim Desert AdventureNahal Tamar and Nahal Tzafit Desert CanyonsCrystal Pools in Nahal RahafTwo Trails From Tsfira CampgroundTo the Tsfira PoolsYatir Forest – A Desert WoodlandNahal Mishmar – A Beautiful AdventureEin Avdat One Way TrailDefying Gravity – Makhtesh HaKatan Loop TrailNahal Peres – Trek to Desert PoolsMeditations in the Desert -Rahamim Cistern TrailHod Akev – Unreal Desert HikeNahal Hemar to Nahal Zohar Desert TrekNahal BokekFrom Arad to Nahal AbuvMount Tsfira- Judean DesertDodim Cave and Ein Gedi SpringNahal David at the Ein Gedi Nature ReserveNahal Salvadora – Desert Adventure for EveryoneMount Yishai and the Window WaterfallNahal Dragot – The Circular RoutePura Nature ReserveFields of Red in the Ruhama BadlandsNahal Kina – Judean DesertNahal Arugot and the Fairy PoolsEin AvdatRamon Crater – Mount ArdonRamon Crater – The Nekarot Horseshoe Trail