Tips from the Experts Tips From the Experts Awaiting the Yoreh (First Rains) after Simchat Torah Of Prophets and Kings: 5 Biblical Hikes Uncovering a Second Temple City: Itri Ruins (Horvat ‘Ethri) Flowers, Flowers Everywhere! Plants and Prophets Part 2: The Terebinth Plants and Prophets: The Connection Between Nature and Tanach Israel’s Weather Explained Hiking Safety: Avoid Cave Fever The Ideal Activity for ADHD Kids Lauren’s Story: Discovering Israel’s Great Outdoors Local Stories: Life in Kibbutz Ramot Menashe Hiking the Israel Trail Israel’s Nature-Bible Connection Snacking the Holy Land: Tips for Fun and Tasty Foraging When You’re on the Trail What Weird Weather We’re Having! Nahal Prat Through History: The Real Story 4 Signs that Fall in Israel is on its Way Could You Meet Dangerous Animals While Hiking??? Hike Tip: Wear Your Water Shoes! Stay Safe in the Desert: Leishmania Escape from Tehran – Fallow Deer at Hai Bar Carmel