Beersheva Area

See the table below or click the markers on the map for full hike info:

The Beersheva Area stretches from the Judean Mountains down to the Northern Negev. It includes Yatir, Israel's only desert woodland. Further east, the city of Arad is surrounded by a spectacular series of desert mountain and riverbed trails. This part of the country is filled with quiet, meditative desert trails.
To the Tsfira PoolsEasy3 km2-3 hours
Two Trails From Tsfira CampgroundEasy6 km4 hours
Hurvat Zak: A Storybook SettingEasy-Moderate5.6 km2-3 hours
Holmoniot (Autumn Crocus) in Lahav ForestEasy-Moderate8.32-3 hours
Desert Hike at Nahal KidodModerate-Strenuous6 km2-3 hours
Sansana Forest Flower Filled TrailModerate7 km3 hours
Mount Tsfira- Judean DesertModerate8.7 km2-3 hours
Yatir Forest – A Desert WoodlandModerate8.5 km3 hours
Meditations in the Desert -Rahamim Cistern TrailModerate- Strenuous7.5 km2-4 hours
Nahal Yaelim Desert TrekModerate Strenuous11 km4 hours
Upper Nahal Rahaf – Canyon WalkStrenuous8 km3-4 hours
Tze’elim Stream to Tsfira PoolsAdvanced8 km5 hours
Nahal KanfanStrenuous15.76 hours
Nahal Kina - Judean DesertStrenuous11 km4 hours
From Arad to Nahal AbuvStrenuous-Advanced11.5 km5-6 hours