The sky was the crispest shade of cerulean, with cirrus clouds spattered around like white paint on a blue canvas. The mountain rock was stark and chalky in some places, like cut clay. In others, piles of sandy stones gathered to form sharp peaks.
Region: The South
Nahal Hemar to Nahal Zohar Desert Trek
Down below, we could see alabaster walls of smooth stone in all kinds of beautiful formations.
Nahal Bokek
We found Nahal Bokek, where we tramped through a river, waded in a waterfall pool, and discovered a great family trail that we never knew existed.
From Arad to Nahal Abuv
Smooth white rock filled the bottom of the canyon, so soft that it reminded me of foam on top of the ocean.
Mount Tsfira- Judean Desert
Atop a desert mountain, there is total silence. You can see far into the distance, and you see nothing – no people, animals, or trees.