Day 1 Yam el Yam 1.Hof Achziv - this is where the trail begins.2.Cross the highway and walk under this overpass to find the dirt road where the trail begins.3. Follow this dirt road straight ahead. Soon you'll be on a road that travels through banana groves.4. Follow the dirt road, which eventually turns into an asphalt road for 7 kilometers through fruit trees.5. Make a left onto the highway, then a quick right on the highway towards Nahal Kziv.6. Make a right here and follow the highway until you see Nahal Kziv on your right.7. Turn right when you see this sign to follow the green trail. Follow Green Trail Markers!!8. Follow the green trail down Nahal Kziv (until Ein Tamir). You can make a detour on the red trail to see Montfort if you want.9. Follow the green trail into the bushes. You'll see Ein Tamir and the continuation of the green trail on the other side.10. The confusing sign at Ein Tamir. Follow the green trail through the bushes.11. This is where you turn off the green trail onto the black trail. Follow the black trail all the way up to the road (Abirim).12. Follow the black trail until you reach the highway at the top. Here, the hike ends.