1. From the parking lot, head towards the main road.
2.Make a left onto the main road and find Israel Trail markers on the lightposts.
3.Follow the Israel Trail markers.
4.Soon you will reach Madregot Gan Eden. Head down the steps and follow the Israel Trail.
5.Continue to follow the Israel Trail markers.
6. Turn left on Sorek Road, following Israel trail markers.
7. Soon, you will see this sign. Keep following the Israel Trail.
8. At this point, the Israel Trail veers up and to the left. DON'T FOLLOW IT! Instead, continue following the straight path up ahead.
9. After a while you will reach this trail. Make a right onto the bike trail.
10. The sign near the dam. Walk straight until you find an opening in the fence where you can head down to the water.
11. The lake in early winter.
12. After visiting the lake, backtrack along the bike trail until you reach this sign. Turn left and head up the path towards Beit zayit.
13. Continue to follow the MAIN trail which veers to the left.
14. You will pass a few signs like this(and the community of Beit Zayit up above.). When you reach this SPECIFIC sign, turn right onto the unmarked path.
15. This is the unmarked path where you'll turn right. Soon you will begin to see green trail markers.
16. At the fork in the trail, stay to the left.
17. Follow the green trail markers as they take you back and forth up the mountain.
18. Stay left to follow the green trail markers.
19. Stay on green. At this signpost, the trail will veer sharply to the left.
20. Here, the green trail will veer sharply to the left. Don't miss this turn.
21. Keep following green, keeping a close eye out for trail markers.
22. At this crossroads, follow the black trail towards Har Herzl.
23. Continue to follow the black trail.
23. Eventually, you will reach this sign. Bear right to follow the black trail.
24. Bear right to follow the black trail.
25. The black trail. Keep following it until you reach Ein Karem.
25. Once you reach the city, stay straight until you are back at Madregot Gan Eden.
26. Back where we started! Follow Israel Trail back to your car.