1. Turn left onto the street and follow it until you see the trailhead on the right.
2. Make a right towards the lookout.
3. At the lookout, take the green trail out into the desert.
4. After walking downhill for a while, you'll reach this tree. Stay on the green trail.
5. The green trail hits the red trail. Make a right onto red.
6. Follow the red trail across the highway.
7. When you cross the highway, make a quick left to follow the green and Israel Trail.
8. The green trail climbs up the mountain. Halfway through you'll reach this fortress.
9. Keep following the green trail or Israel Trail markers up the mountain. They are hard to find!!!
10. If you stick to the green trail, you will eventually reach this lookout.
11. From the lookout, follow the green trail markers back out into the desert.
12. Keep following the green trail until it turns to blue trail. Then follow that. (Israel Trail marker pictured - the Israel Trail has been rerouted so these markers will likely fade over time.)
13. When you reach the crossroads to the black trail make a left onto the black trail. This leads to Nahal Abuv.
14. Follow the black trail through Nahal Abuv until the end.
15. This is where the hike ends. You can park a second car here, or call a taxi at the end.