User Registration

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Hiking the Holyland

Register to get free access to all our maps and links!


Hiking the Holyland

Why do I need to login?

We want everyone to be able to access all of the beauty in Israel’s great outdoors.  So,all of the info on Hiking the Holyland is still completely free.  Now, in order to access the maps and special info in the table, you’ll have to log in (still free!) We’re hoping that user login will give our readers a better user experience.  The next phase will allow you to leave reviews on hikes, save favorite hikes so you can access them later, and sign up for hiking groups.

Do I have to pay?

Nope.  All of the info on Hiking the Holyland is free.  

Are you going to spam me with emails?

By registering as a user and accessing our free maps, you’ll be signing up for one weekly newsletter full of incredible hike tips and one email with a “Photo of the Month”. Feel free to adjust your preferences to receive only one of these emails at any time.

Will you share my email information?

Hiking the Holyland will NEVER share your email information with third parties.

What happens to my newsletter subscription once I sign up?

If you already have a newsletter subscription, signing up as a New User won’t change your subscription.  Everything will stay exactly the same.